Guarding Our Minds

Since April we have realized that, before our own daughter’s wedding, we will attend or attempt to attend 11 other weddings over the next few months. We were invited to be at two weddings in the same weekend. We could only attend one since they were both at the same time in two different states. I have thoroughly enjoyed attending all the weddings so far and the parties and celebrations leading up to the weddings but I have experienced something I didn’t expect……..

I have experienced “panic,” “confusion,” a sense of being unprepared and letting Collins down. Even though her wedding is just over four months away and we have a great wedding planner, at each wedding or party this voice says. “Wow! you didn’t do that for Collins!” Sometimes it says, “What if our band won’t be that good?” I have never hired a band, not much experience! Or thoughts of bad weather? On and on and on this voice goes and the racing thoughts…it even wakes me up at night saying, “You are leaving something out…you are forgetting someone…something….”

Thankfully, because of my guarded quiet time, I have come to realize that the enemy is trying to deceive me and rob me of the joy of planning and experiencing the fun of our daughter’s upcoming wedding. I will have to be honest, there have been many attacks where it was easily recognizable that “Satan” was bringing his A game to steal, kill and destroy during this time.

We have had some wonderful times so far, especially with two parties given in Collins’ and Mike’s honor. But all around each party and after it, were assaults by the “enemy”. One in particular was a phone call from a long time friend, someone whom we love. They called just hours before the engagement party, even saying his wife had bought a new pair of shoes to wear and they were looking forward to coming but couldn’t come because alcohol was being served.

Before I go on, let me say that I respect anyone’s personal decision to not come to a party or to a wedding…. whatever their conviction. Sadly, the timing and the seeming unloving delivery of this decision was painful!

Often we don’t always realize the impact our words/actions/timing has on others. Maybe writing a note of love saying why they couldn’t come or just simply regretting would have been a little easier to digest just before the party. Brides and MOB’s can get overwhelmed. (I know many of you can relate.) Satan tries to use moments like these to blindside me and rob me of the joy of the upcoming wedding.

All this brings me to the point of the post…WE have to guard our minds.

Yes, we have to “take captive” every thought as prescribed in 2 Corinthians 10:5. “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” WE have to be very careful of where we allow our minds to go. Scripture clearly teaches a standard…we have to stop and ask ourselves these questions:

Is it true?
Is it honorable?
Is it right?
Is it pure?
Is it admirable?
Is it excellent?
Is it praiseworthy?

That is what I have had to do each time I felt the assault of the enemy, especially during this wedding season. Just with the one example I gave above…I had to cast away the “judgement I felt by man.” Am I trying to please God or man? Paul says to “Destroy it!” Recognize it for what it is. Call it a lie. Refuse to think about it and reset my mind on what is true. And do it immediately…..

All weddings are different. They are to be geared toward the bride and groom and their wishes. This bride and groom love Jesus…so I have had to do much “guarding my mind” as we walk through this wedding planning season. Satan hates the union of two believers.

Refusing to allow the enemy to win in my thoughts or through the “opinions’ of others” (being a recovering people pleaser) has been a true test allowed by God to see how I am doing. So far I have gotten a B- but I praise God that He has shown me where I am and the work I need to do in this area of surrender and trusting HIM.

This is our first family wedding…our only daughter…so I am learning as I go. It has been a true joyous experience but one already filled with tests that challenge me to lean into God. To trust Him with the details and my thoughts. To guard my mind every day…and know that He will be glorified in this union of husband and wife.

We are told repeatedly in scripture to “be on guard”. Even in the joyous moments in life…the enemy attacks. My prayer for each of us is that we would: “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love” (I Corinthians 16:13-14).

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  • It is excellent that you realize Satan is behind people who will say and do things to hurt in any joyous time of your life. I believe today’s word used by many people to describe a person that hurts you is “hater”. When people use excuses like the person gave you for not coming to the party makes me question their motive and how they handle themselves anywhere people may do the things they do not agree with or say it is against their belief system. Christ walked among all people and all situations that he may not have agreed with during His time on earth. He lived His life as an example for all of us. Stay strong and enjoy every minute of being the MOB. Don’t worry that you will not do something for Collins. I think she knows how blessed she is to have you and Bill as her parents and will have the wedding of her dreams!