Beth, “You’re changing that boy’s life!” Leigh Anne Touhy, “NO! HE’S CHANGING MINE!” To me, this was the best moment of the movie, the “Blind Side!” The thing I think I love most about this movie is that it was TRUE!! For the most part, the events in this movie actually happened in real life. I have watched this movie more than once and each time I watch it, it only gets better!!!
The movie and true story teaches so many lessons. Often I wonder, if everyone in the world would just open their eyes to what is in front of them every day and “TOOK ACTION” out of a compassionate heart, how would the world change? Isaiah 58:10, “If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.” And in Deuteronomy 15:11 it states, “For there will never cease to be poor in the land. THEREFORE I COMMAND YOU, you shall OPEN WIDE YOUR HAND to your brothers, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.”
I am amazed at HOW WIDE the Touhys’ “HAND” was opened. Watching the movie for the third time, I started to count all the things that the Touhys did to “help the needy!”
- There was the “risk hand” of taking in a stranger.
- There was the “race hand”.
- There was the potential “unknown (danger) hand”.
- There was the “financial hand”.
- There was the “extra time hand”.
- There was the “legal hand” (adoption).
- There was the “new family member hand (change in family dynamics)”.
- There was the “public scrutiny hand”(for the mom and the daughter especially).
Amazing to see how God used this family and their OPEN HAND AND HEARTS, to affect one life! Which in turn affected many. The Scripture above was so lived out, down to “your light shall rise in the darkness”. There is no brighter STAGE LIGHT, in our day, than a HIT MOVIE. The thing that is so neat to me is the fact that the movie didn’t get made until the STORY HAD BEEN LIVED! I am sure that when the Touhys embarked on the “TUG at their HEART” they never in their wildest dreams thought they would end up on a “world stage” in the spotlight.
I love the title especially, “THE BLIND SIDE”. It signals to me how blind they were and how “Michael” opened their eyes and changed their “blindness!” It continues to be in my face–DON’T BE BLIND! I have come to this conclusion: in order to not be “BLIND SIDED,” OR, you could say, TO HAVE YOUR EYES OPENED, you have to get personally involved. It is so denoted by my favorite line in the movie. The TOUHYS WERE THE REAL ONES THAT CHANGED!!!
This movie changed me forever. I would love to think I have always had a heart and HAND for the needy and poor. It was lived out in front of me by my parents. In the “Back 9” I have been so convicted to not just “give money” but to be “personally involved!” Not just because of what it would do for someone else, but because of HOW IT WOULD CHANGE ME! I don’t think that is at all selfish. I believe the commands in Scripture to help the poor are not only there to benefit the poor. God knows those who are helping the poor will benefit as well.
The desire Christ has for us is to “continually change” to be more like Christ. It is not a suggestion in Scripture to help the needy but it is a COMMAND! While on earth Christ lived the perfect example of helping the needy. I would say seeking to be like Christ in helping the needy and poor is a manifestation of seeking to live a life of significance.
Proverbs 14:31, “He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.”