When our kids were little and participated in Christmas programs or performances in dance, golf tournaments, etc., my eyes were all on them. While there were other kids performing and occasionally I would glance at them…my eyes…my attention…my focus was on our kids because they were mine…so I favored them.
Our relationship with Christ is similar…we have His favor. Favor is something we receive, we don’t earn it. Our kids are our kids. They receive our favor just like we receive God’s favor as His children. Favor doesn’t mean we won’t experience God’s discipline. If we love our kids, we will discipline them for their “greater good”. So it is with God. God’s favor means…when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior…we first receive his Holy Spirit…and with God’s direction and discipline we can have an abundant life. His favor. :o)
When we invite Jesus into our heart, we become His child. His eyes are forever on us. Have you ever had one of your children frustrate you all day? Still, at the end of the day when they are sleeping, we look upon them with unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness…and we want the very best for them. God’s love for us is unconditional even though He may need to discipline us. He forgives us. He restores us. He protects us.
He has plans for us. When we receive Him…remember He doesn’t force himself on us…we get to choose…we become His child. God’s favor is for His children just as grace is for all His children.
David very much understood God’s favor. All through the Psalms David poured out his heart to the Lord. Psalm 23 is a great scripture to read, claim and it helps us understand God’s favor for His children. We just have to not only read it, but believe it.
Do you believe the Lord is your shepherd?
Do you believe you lack nothing?
Do you believe He can and He will lead you beside still waters?
Do you believe He will restore your soul?
Do you believe He will guide you along right paths for HIS name sake?
Even in the darkest days do you believe you should fear no evil?
Do you believe God is with you?
Do you believe you possess God’s rod and staff?
Do you receive comfort from them?
Do you sit at God’s table that He has prepared in front of your enemies?
Do you believe He will anoint your head with oil?
Do you believe your cup will overflow?
Do you believe God’s love and mercy follows you not just today, but all your life?
Do you believe that you will dwell in the house of the Lord forever?
Take time today to say and pray to the Lord the 23rd Psalm. Pray it and believe it. Understand these are the things God has for you and desires for you. Look for His rod and staff of protection. Allow Him to overflow your cup with His goodness. But remember, you have to be a sheep in order for the Lord to be your Shepherd. You have to allow the Shepherd to lead. Listen to His voice…then…you will experience all that the Good Shepherd has for you. All His favor. YOU are His sheep/His child.
I encourage you today…to understand God’s favor is a gift…receive it. His eyes are always on you.
Matthew 10:29-31, “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.”