I have prayed and prayed about writing about this next subject because I really like to keep ministry and business separate. But my recent trip to Dallas was such a spiritual high for me…that I just have to write about it.
Let me first start off by saying that I love businesses like Chick-fil-A…. I love Truett Cathy. I love his family… I love his vision and all that God has directed him to do with his life! I love his heart for God and how he has taken it into the workplace…..HIS FAITH and HIS convictions.
Our daughter works for Chick-fil-A. She went through a grueling but sweet interview process. The training that Chick-fil-A provided her was, in my opinion, world class. It was heavy on how to treat people with kindness and have their best interest at heart regardless of how you are treated. Philippians 2:3, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” Honesty, integrity, kindness and a strong work ethic were taught and expected. She wasn’t at Chick-fil-A long before finding friends in her superiors and co-workers…a support system for sure…an environment where it is not always easy work, but one in which you can thrive and find joy in your work! I have blogged about this several times……..
Over ten years ago, Bill and I affiliated with a direct sales company called Advocare. It is in many ways a duplicate of Chick-fil-A in that its focus is providing the best product and teaching as well as training its volunteer sales force how to properly treat others. It has a strong value system that it is unashamed of taking into the workplace. It is owned by the Reagus family who has the same ideals as the Cathy family. They live out loud Matthew 5:16, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” And, Philippians 2:15-16, “…be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.”
Initially, Bill was exposed to Advocare products by a trusted friend who called him from miles away to see if Bill had any need of feeling better, performing better and, yes, looking better. Bill was looking for all three. He trusted Mark and began taking the products. After two months Bill got all the results Mark had spoken about and you could tell from the outside. When people started asking Bill about his results, he could not help but share what had helped him.
As for me…I was the skeptic…and had to watch…you see, Mark was not my friend from former days, he was Bill’s. So, I watched and could not deny the results in my husband. Years later, we have found the same things in the company of Advocare that Collins has found at Chick-fil-a….lifelong loyal friends who are friends first and co-workers second. A company that has and promotes the same values we have. It promotes and advocates serving others and provides the ability to earn income. The big kicker is that they are big on teaching people who choose to earn income how to become debt-free.
Last week in Dallas was the annual leadership/business conference which Advocare provides for its volunteer army. We were able to attend with 2 of our 3 kids. Everyone that comes to Advocare is a volunteer. You work and share products for your own reasons and purpose…but the company is rock solid in their values… and their business ethics…and provides a voluntary Sunday morning worship service for those who are missing their home worship service.
The first time I ever attended “Success School,” it was the worship service that God used to help me decide this was a company I would like to align myself with. I love all that it offers to ENCOURAGE OTHERS! Michel W. Smith was the minister of worship and words at this year’s conference. He is a long time Advocare product user as well, but his words and music in the Cowboy stadium with thousands of co-workers was so moving!
I loved how he shared about the influence of his parents and his love for Christ. I love being affiliated with a company that not only wants to nourish the body physically with proper nutrition, but also provides a voluntary service to nourish your spirit. Even on Saturday and Sunday in leadership training, they brought in Andy Andrews, a famous author and speaker, to teach and train on leadership….he talked about “culture” and creating a positive culture. He taught how leadership is highly influenced in the home and how families play a role. He talked about how respect and manners are vital in the workplace and in life.
If you have never heard of Andy…he is a best-selling author and leadership trainer who wrote the famous book, “The Traveler’s Gift”. He calls himself a “noticer”….and has a book called, “The Noticer”. At one time in his life….he was homeless and lived under a bridge. I highly, highly recommend his books!!!! They will nourish your soul and mind!
I want to encourage you, the reader…to seek out places to nourish your soul. On any given Sunday….there are many worship services….that provide just that….. “nourishment”….I am so glad that even in my travels with golf or business…I can still worship in a local service. I find people and places with like-minded people and have the same kind of experience that I so enjoyed with my family at the conference.
Let me end with a “shout out” to all businesses…..who are unashamed to proclaim Christ in the way they conduct business….no wonder ….there is success found there!
Psalm 86:11-12, “Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.”