God Is The Constant

When I was a child we popped popcorn using a tin pan with a lid. We put oil in the pan and about 3/4 cup of corn kernels. Covered the pan with the lid and turned up the heat on the stove and then we would shake and wait. Shake and wait. Eventually the corn started to pop. As Christmas approaches, and all the bowl games, there will be popcorn. Today most people probably use microwaves to make popcorn. Our kids have no idea…no vision of how I grew up popping popcorn.

Many things have changed from the time of my youth to that of my children. As Christmas gets closer and I reflect on my childhood, I remember the things I did. It reminds me how times change. This time of year also reminds me that there are some things that never change. I am MOST grateful that God never changes. He is the same today, yesterday and forever.


It has taken me to mid-life to truly grasp and live enough of life, while making many mistakes, to understand and rely on His constant grace and mercy to take my “missteps” and those of “others” and use them for my/your/our greater good. Fulfilling His words in Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.” You see, God covers our “missteps,” our “sins”. He is the great “I Am”. It is HE and HE alone who can take “ALL THINGS” in our lives and “turn our ashes to beauty!”

As you approach Christmas this year and then the New Year in 2016, as our world at times seems to grow more “evil” and times continually change, I encourage you to turn to the ONE who NEVER CHANGES. He who is the “Great I Am”.

Romans 8:37-39 teaches, “No, in all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither the present nor the future nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

As times change, and even people change, God is my/your/our constant. Trust also in Romans 8:26-27, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.”

Take courage…God has won the “war”. His birth and resurrection sealed the deal for those who believe. Draw close to God. He intercedes for you and desires for you to seek His will…His way…He is full of grace and mercy that never changes.

Make Him your priority now and in the year to come…….

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