Learning to “BE STILL” and learn to discern the voice of the Holy Spirit has been the most valuable discipline that I have implemented in my life. It has required diligence on my part and some “absolutes!”
One being a morning quiet time, meaning being still in God’s word and in prayer every single morning before I do anything else. I really don’t like interacting with anyone before I sit still in the presence of the Lord. Today, I can honestly say the way the Holy Spirit speaks to me is as familiar as one of my children’s voices.
When we become a Christian and invite Jesus into our heart, His Holy Spirit indwells in us. I was challenged 8 years ago that I could know God’s voice and it could be as familiar as anyone in my family, and that it was my choice to learn to recognize His voice. Nothing has been more true. I took the challenge and today I can say, God does not hide HIs voice from anyone who seeks to KNOW IT!
Just like the Holy Spirit spoke to Philip, Acts 8:29, “Then the Spirit said to Philip, Go up and join his chariot.” You can read the whole story, but nothing has changed since Philip lived. Life and our actions and decisions don’t have to be a guessing game, we have a guide who knows more than we do, much more…we only have to discipline ourselves.
We will be stretched because that is how we grow..that is how our faith grows, so be ready! We are all supposed to live Galatians 5:25, “If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.” #wehaveaguide #theHolySpirit