Watching my child die would be one of the most horrible things I could imagine. In fact, I don’t allow my mind to go there…especially if torture was a part of their death! When I get to heaven one day I can’t wait to meet Mary…the mother of Jesus…..!
At Christmas one of my favorite things to do is sit by the fire early in the morning and think about the life of Mary being the mother of our Savior, Jesus. Think about all she endured….from her travel to Bethlehem and giving birth to Jesus in a stable….to watching Him attempt to carry His own cross after being whipped then die the most horrific of deaths. I cannot watch brutality on TV and I can’t imagine what she endured. I just know that I do not have her courage.
Just listen to Mary’s response to the news that she had been chosen to bear Christ–courage and humility. Luke 1 and 2 tell much of the story. Read it for yourself this Christmas. I’ll just give you verses 46-51 of chapter 1.
“And Mary said: ‘My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name. His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation. He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.'”
Without the birth…the most precious of gifts, Jesus, we would have had no cross nor resurrection. To think that God left heaven, to become fully man…to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins…humbles me and leaves me with NO words…just honor, thankfulness and dismay. To try and wrap my mind around the “gift” of Jesus….and then the “gift” of His life….cannot be adequately described by my words nor the gratitude of the gift. Nothing I can do….Except…to live my life to please HIM.
As I sit this Christmas having our three young adult children at home, being their mother and reflecting on the gift of just being a mom….it overwhelms me. It is just one way I can try to imagine God’s love for me…..”the love I experience for my own children!”
To think…He loves me more…and loves my children more than I do!
I have now visited and am working through the fact that this is the first Christmas that I have ever been without my mom. She loved Christmas and especially God’s gift of Jesus. I am most grateful to know that she had a room prepared for her. I am especially comforted by the scripture, “If I go to prepare a place for you I will come again so where I am you may be also,” (John 14:3).
Christmas, to me, boils down to this scripture…He gave the gift of His Son….so that He could die…a sacrificial death…then Rise…so that we could receive forgiveness of our sins and accept Him as our Lord and Savior. Ultimately…He would go and prepare a place for those who not only believe there is a God, but invite Him into their hearts!
To all the Back 9ers–I wish for you this CHRISTMAS…..a heart of joy….even in earthly loss, the kind of Joy and Comfort that only a Holy God can give. That your life and everyday “shots” would bring Glory to Him! To Him, the One who gave the greatest of Gifts……JESUS.
Merry Christmas!