Just 45 days left before my MOBing days will be over. Since October it has been a fast and furious learning curve of new phrases like “First look” and “Late night pass.” All of which are now familiar phrases but when both were first posed as questions to me, they drew a “blank stare” until our most gracious and very qualified wedding planner explained their meaning. After being educated, there was a “big yes” to both……..🙂
This week Collins and I will pick up the invitations and deliver them to the post office which is a tradition and a very big deal. I get a lump in my throat thinking about it because since October the “snail mail” has failed us many times. Through this process of sending party invitations, save the date notices, and thank you notes we have had plenty of opportunity to discover this: you can write them, address them, put postage on them and mail them, yet somehow…people don’t receive them….Go figure?
Yep, I have been praying through this process of depending on someone else, a “stranger,” to safely and appropriately deliver the “wedding invitations.” This is very stressful. To even think…someone would not receive their wedding invitation after the time, money and attention that has been spent on sending them….but I am prepared. If history repeats itself, this is probably going to happen again. 🙁
Lately I have found so much comfort in God’s Word and His promises. Did you know the very first miracle that Jesus ever performed was at a wedding???? I love it.
This whole story has taken on a whole new meaning for me as an MOB!!! As Mark Batterson pointed out in his book, “The Grave Robber,” Jesus so cared about the details of our lives that He was willing to perform His FIRST miracle by “turning the water into wine” in order to help the bride and groom and their families save embarrassment. Back then, I have learned, this kind of faux pas could have meant the bridegroom would be jailed. Wow! I absolutely love the fact that Jesus’ mother understood the stress and importance and got right on it. I so identify with Mary!!!
She went straight to the ONE who could ultimately handle the problem…..Jesus!!!
I love Jesus’ response, ”Woman, why do you involve Me?…My hour has not yet come….” Mary said, “Do whatever he tells you!” (see John 2). That is so key…Mary knew her Son. She knew HE would take care of it. As you continue to read and STUDY this account of His first miracle, you find Jesus didn’t just take care of it. He turned the water into the BEST WINE!!!!
Back 9’ers….do you get it?
We can all learn from Mary and I certainly am as I have been living in the “MOB” stage of life. Jesus is who we go to. Yes, it is who I have relied on during this very special time in my life…in our daughter’s life and in the life of our family!
There have been many stressful times, MUCH spiritual warfare, and still some unknowns…like “weather” for an outside wedding. And, will “snail mail” once again fail? But I serve a God who cares so much and “looks to the heart,” “my heart,” and I know that I know that I can run to Him. I can sit under the shelter of the Almighty for all these details!
In a world where people are dying at the hands of evil and from deadly diseases and where there is so much sadness, I take comfort in knowing that Jesus cares about the big and small “details of my life” even if they pale in comparison and importance to other people’s situations.
NO matter where you find yourself today…what dilemma or stress or problem you are facing….Jesus is the source.
HE cares about every little detail of our lives. 🙂 I have learned to stay in a constant state of prayer. Praying for the simplest of things…like parking places at the grocery store…to the right “earrings.” To big things like the upcoming election and my dear friend’s battle with cancer. To the weather on Collins’ wedding day.
HE. CARES. about. it. all.
What I have loved is that the more I pray and give God the small things, the more I SEE HIM. HE is in EVERY DETAIL.
I encourage you with this….when you decide to stay in constant communion with your Creator, Jesus,
…the One who knows the numbers of hairs on your head,
……..the one who knew you before you were in your mother’s womb,
…………..the one who parted the Red Sea,
………………….the one who caused the blind to see,
……………………….the lame to walk, and,
…………………………………yes, turned the “water into wine”…the best wine…
YOU will see His hand in your daily life…in all the details.
You will experience “peace” in the storm, “miracles” in impossible, “comfort” in the uncomfortable, protection in “life battles” and, most importantly, your intimate Relationship with God will deepen. It will strengthen. It will become “intimate.” That is what God’s deepest desire is for us…a deep, living, dependent, INTIMATE relationship with Him.
So learn from me…LEAN heavily into Jesus’ arms today. Take to HIM every little detail of your lives…because “He cares for you!” Today I am trusting Him and I see Him so clearly. I feel Him, His presence, like a “warm blanket” that has just come out of a dryer and been thrown around my shoulders on a cold day.
Go to Him…even when you feel as if…it is insignificant. Allow God to show you HE IS IN THE DETAILS of your life.
“Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these,” (Luke 12:24-27).
“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust,” (Psalm 91:1-2).