Do not ignore the voice of God in your life. If you are unwilling to risk your reputation, you’ll never fight the giants like David did in defeating Goliath or walk in the fiery furnace (untouched) like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did. You cannot build God’s reputation if you aren’t willing to risk your own.
I am not a writer, but God is. I was a business major in college and, even though I have had success in public speaking, I have never written much. God called me at age 16 to write a book one day. Even then I thought it very strange. I was so young. I asked myself and God, ” What in the world would I write about?” I have never given it much thought since, until just a few years ago.
Let me share a little of this journey with you. I hope my personal testimony encourages you to take your own steps of faith even when you do not feel adequate or equipped. Remember the saying, “God does not call the equipped, He equips the called!”? Well, I definitely fit into this category.
I was encouraged to pursue writing by someone who I deem to be extremely wise in giving advice and with whom I had shared my thoughts about writing and God’s call. We talked and prayed at length about this venture. It was a tremendous encouragement to me and the wise person posed a challenge to me, “Maybe the book is for God to read and read only. Don’t worry if it is for anybody else, just do it for God.” So I started writing several years ago.
Best. advice. ever.
My first year of writing I have now come to call “narrative therapy” and prayers to God. Writings that only God would understand and have the patience and grace to read. It also gave me a whole year to write freely without the thought or worry that their would be any other reader but God, thus, I wrote freely and uninhibited. Writing with this perspective taught me valuable lessons. One lesson being that writing was a permanent form of communication and, if preserved, could last way after I am gone.
I also learned that writing was a fabulous form of communication. It allows me to process my thoughts better. In essence, I could write and then reread and correct the idea I was trying to convey. I could even sleep and pray on it for a day or two and go back and rewrite and delete–something I realize we cannot do with our words when we speak. And I realized that just maybe, now that I am on the Back 9, I had learned some valuable life lessons that were worth writing down and sharing.
Looking back and reflecting, I can now see God’s hand as He has been orchestrating Back 9 Ministries to come to fruition as far back as twenty-six years ago. Never, no never, underestimate God’s plan nor His timing for you. He created all of us to do good works, in His time and at His call. God is definitely at work!!
I encourage you to: Seek the Lord. Ask others to pray. Seek wise counsel. Step out in faith….when the time is right.
Isaiah 41:10, ”So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”