As I write…I am still hesitant to share this story but after much prayer I am moving forward. It is not for personal gain and I have just got to trust God with the hearts and the readers of Back 9 to understand my heart and SEE GOD. So here goes…..just a few people like my sister, Marcia know the following details.
After God called me to write not only a blog, but books as well I was GREEN in the process required…very green. NO experience. So as God led me to people to help me, I had to TRUST…… completely trust, their guidance. God led me: to a friend, Cherrie Nettles; to a publisher, Lifebridge (small but good); and to writing two books. God also provided initial funds through my dad and uncle to help get this process started.
When you are very NEW and inexperienced at something…you don’t even know what you need sometimes, but God does and He will provide. For me, I really needed all of the above. God also provided a small group of people to pray for me and to help me edit… our youth pastor, Frank Shimkus, Bebe Carter, and Julie Crowder, who spent major time but would take no money for helping.
As my first book was released…a “soft” release initially with a “hard” one coming a month later….my dad suffered a major stroke and my mother took a “dive” with her illness and died. So, the book tours were cancelled and I was unable to fulfill what was expected with the first book. Caring for my parents was obviously my priority and taking the time to grieve our loss.
Last week the second book, “The Back 9, Finishing Strong” was released. Tuesday of last week as a matter of fact just 3 days after the flood. As you can imagine, there was NO WAY I was going to travel and do book signings when my HOME town, where I have lived for the last 30 years, had experienced catastrophic devastation.
Do you see this? The timing of the release of both books was around devastating circumstances that were out of my control, that totally STOPPED ME from the planned events for the release. Total ROADBLOCKS!
For the first book…I wondered why? If God moved and equipped me to write the book…..why the timing of everything? and Now with the second book….I have wondered also….I have been a little discouraged. But then in God’s divine ways of ENCOURAGING…ways that are far better than we can conceive…….. I received an inbox this week from a precious lady in New Jersey, a stranger to me…..she had been given my first book by a friend of mine, Mark Reamer, who came to help her town in New Jersey after the Sandy devastation, she learned of me only because she read my first book…her inbox to me this week was to tell me how the book had encouraged her through devastating times and she was reaching out to encourage me and to tell me how the book had encouraged her. (You can scroll back on my page and read the inbox in its entirety.) She also let me know that she had ordered my second book and received it the day before the flood in South Carolina. The timing…just wow…ALL GOD. I am going to meet her this Friday…she is coming to Columbia!!!
If you ever go to my mission statement on…you will see the words “to encourage”. In fact, here is my life mission and how it is written:
“Encouraging others to be all that God created them to be so they can lead lives of significance.” God has specifically this week showed me once again.…that HE has me and the distribution of my 2 books …orchestrating and moving over and around all roadblocks.
Today, I would love for everyone to visit the website,, but I specifically want you to see this. God has me and He has you…we need to always TRUST him in roadblocks and storms. His ways of orchestrating things will not always make human sense…but HE does cause ALL Things to work for Good for those who love HIm and are called according to his purpose. WE can trust His heart when we can’t see His hand.
Very often….after the storms of life…and the roadblocks….we will see HIM…HIS ….. FINGERPRINTS AND HIS LONG REACHING ARMS.
SO, I want to ENCOURAGE YOU…that your life is SIGNIFICANT……and in order to accomplish all that God created for you to starts with a personal relationship with HIM.
1. Today….. invite Jesus into your heart. SURRENDER you will to HIS WILL.,HIS WAY. HE will crush the roadblocks to accomplish His will for your life and send people to encourage you all along the way.
3. If you know Jesus and you know others who don’t …then consider ordering and giving of my books..Why? not because of me…but because I know they will receive the intended purpose..encouragement…and they will be introduced to Jesus ……
I give to Him all the glory and honor and praise for gifted me with the desire and ability to write….. If you follow me at all, YOU HAVE TO REALLY KNOW BY NOW…it is not me…IT IS GOD. Please feel free to share this post or any post…xoxoxo
If you are interested in purchasing either book:
Here is the link for “The Front Nine”:…
Here is the link for “The Back Nine”:…