Golf was not my sport of choice growing up. In fact, I didn’t play sports. I was a cheerleader and my passion was cheering my team to victory! As a mom, I’ve been the cheerleader in the lives of my children, encouraging them to pursue their passions with excellence. When Brewer, Thomas, and Collins were growing up, they fell in love with the game of golf. Because I wanted to be their biggest cheerleader, I learned to love it, too. Today, all three of my children play golf at a highly competitive level and I am truly blessed to have been involved in their golfing journey from the beginning.
Encouraging others to be all that God created them to be so they can lead lives of significance.
The Back Nine has a special connotation for me. For some golfers, it represents a second chance, another opportunity to improve a less than stellar score. For others, it is the home stretch following a great start. For this golfing Mom, it is the opportunity to share my successes, struggles, and failures, or as I call them, the birdies, pars, and bogies of my life. These experiences, filtered through the fingers of God, have given me the ability to encourage, strengthen, and motivate others as they face trials in their own lives. God has a purpose for each and every person created in His image. I want to help those within my sphere of influence to effectively navigate the fairways of life while also finding the significance that comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.