I love fall.
I love to see the sunshine and the wind softly flutter leaves to the ground. The motion, the light, the color all bring a sense of an ongoing party every time I step outside or drive down the road.
It was especially fun for this “Hunnie” (my chosen name for grandkids one day, but for now my grandpups) to watch the newest grandpup, “Woosie,” pouncing on the falling leaves in the driveway today.
We had a private party, just the two of us. I keep her two days a week and very much like keeping a grandchild, I’m in constant motion. I thought back to the days when the kids were little and there was NO time for prolonged quiets times like I have become accustomed to now in my Back 9.
For sure life has changing seasons.
Wouldn’t you agree that with each season in life comes change?
Oh but I have never been a big fan of change. I like the predictable. But God, in His sovereignty and desire to mature and complete us, eventually brings us to a place where we not only embrace change, but welcome it. I call it –– learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable –– because that is how we grow.
Some change we choose and some we don’t. Some we see coming, like our kids graduating and going to college. Some we don’t, like an illness or a sudden loss. The one thing I know for sure is that nothing takes God by surprise and, if we humble ourselves and resolve to allow God to be where we place our attention and we surrender to His leading, we will grow.
I am reminded of the life of Joseph in Scripture. We know how the story ends and often, because we can speed read through the story of his life, we fail to see the seasons of change he faced. We forget he didn’t know what was ahead.
In fact, often nothing happened fast for him. He had long periods in his life of being mistreated, sold into slavery, falsely accused, imprisoned and forgotten. During all the seasons, if you look closely at Joseph’s life, you see God maturing him through adversity.
I love seeing:
his desire not to sin against God,
his integrity stay solid,
his attitude to be content to strengthen him, his hard work ethic in Potiphar’s house or in prison,
his choice to forgive.
Joseph’s life teaches us that no matter what season we find ourselves in, whether we expect it or not, we can grow in our faith, in our walk with the Lord. The key is to focus on Jesus so He can influence all of our actions. On our own we may fail but when we rely on the Lord we find help in every season.
“Storms help to make the sailors sturdy, and trials help to make Christians strong in faith.” ~Charles Spurgeon
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1