I am sure the precious people who lost their lives in Las Vegas on Monday never thought that this would be their last day on earth, nor did I think when I was screaming my head off with Brewer Bradshaw at the National Championship on January 9th of this year that I would be watching him fight for his life on January the 15th laying in a coma on a ventilator from a stroke!
Life is precious…so precious and it is very easy to get up every morning and think we have so much time on this earth. I am not saying that we should awake with morbid thoughts but I am saying we should give some thought of “is this life all there is?” I am here to tell you that there is an after-life and we can spend it one of 2 places Heaven or Hell?
We live in a culture now that it seems old fashioned or not cool to talk about Hell. That is left to the religious fanatics…well if you want to call me that go right ahead…I am a Jesus lover and my desire is to encourage as many people as I can to examine their lives and consider a personal relationship with Jesus. That is the gateway to Heaven when you die. In one blog post I cannot even touch all that the bible teaches about heaven and hell or about a life lived with Jesus as your leader but what I can tell you is my personal “eye-wittness” experience since I accepted Him into my life at age 9.
First as for what happened in Las Vegas…trying to understand the “Whys?” is normal and we may or may not ever know, but what I can tell you is what scripture teaches about evil in this world and what to do about it. Ephesians 6:10-18, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” You see we have an enemy his name is Satan…and to break it down there is a “dark spiritual battle” that exists here on earth…most try to battle this “evil” without the Lord…it is virtually impossible to do. Unless I/we/you can influence others to read scripture and explore a relationship with Jesus they will remain in the dark about Good versus Evil and how to not only survive but thrive in the midst of evil. Scripture is clear about how to “overcome evil,” Romans 12:21, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
This purpose of this post is to encourage anyone in these “dark days” that there is a place to go for answers, comfort and a way to battle this evil that exists and is not going away…..and also a way to find comfort and peace when life changes for the worse in an instant….I want everyone to have what I have, to know what I know and experience what I have experienced….”the super natural hand of God in my life” which has been peace, provision, protection, guidance and much, much more…it doesn’t prevent evil all the time or from bad things happening but it has given me a peace and a lighted path that I cannot explain in the natural human understanding, it has been from the hand of God which is super natural. If you have any interest in knowing more…I encourage you to buy a bible…start and read the book of Matthew, Mark, Luke and Johh…they are 4 different eye witness accounts of Jesus’ life on earth. Next go to church or go on U-tube and google someone like Andy Stanley and watch some of his messages…When you seek God please know this…. He knows our hearts…and when we are sincerely seeking HIM …scripture promises you will find HIM. Seek Him today…evil will always be around…but there is a force that overcomes evil and that is a personal relationship with Jesus…He overcame death on the cross by His resurrection…you don’t have to understand just seek…You will be found by Him. That is the starting point to deal with the evil that exists on this earth! Love to all and please feel free to share. God is a loving God but He is a just God as well, His desire is a loving, intimate relationship with you and me! We only need to exhibit a small step of faith for Him to be extra faithful!