Commitment is the leading “muscle” of our faith. Being committed is a strong “work-out.” It does several things:
it focuses our effort and resources,
it reveals our weaknesses,
it requires a “pay up front” price, and
it exposes when we “drop the ball.”
Many times in my life I have committed to something…and later when the time came to keep the commitment…in my mind…I wasn’t as excited nor “fired up” about keeping my original commitment. It has only taken having people “de-commit” on me or cancel for me to understand what it looks like and feels like when I “de-commit,” “cancel” or go back on my “word.” “The more the words, the less the meaning, and how does that profit anyone?” (Ecclesiastes 6:11). Ouch! I have seen the importance of really thinking before making a commitment.
In my youth I remember being “let down” by people. Sometimes it was hard for me to ever look at that person the same way again, especially when I really counted on someone’s word–a “big-time” let down for sure. As our three kids have matured, they have started to experience and process “de-commitments” in their own lives. It has helped them better understand the “significance” of keeping their commitments. We are all still working to shore up being better at keeping commitments, especially me!
I remember being 9 years old and committing my life to Christ, acknowledging my sin, repenting and understanding who Jesus was and inviting Him into my heart. Today, I speculate that I have lived at least half of my life here on earth and as I reflect back…I see several times when I needed to “RE-COMMIT” my life to Christ. What this means to me is coming to a place, at different ages or stages in my life, where I recognized I had allowed “idols” in my life. We are told in scripture, “‘Do not turn to idols or make metal gods for yourselves. I am the Lord your God.'” (Leviticus 19:4).
An idol, for a Christian, is anything or anyone that stands between you and God. Something that you deem more important…that takes your time, attention, and eventually causes you to put God in a place that you never intended–any place other than first place.
I will be the first to say…if God is second, He may as well be last. His rightful place in our lives is FIRST, before–spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, job, parents, friends, hobbies, sports, money, recognition, etc. If you are like me, many times it can happen gradually. You don’t even see that your commitment is waning, weak, or, at times, nonexistent.
Billy Graham says it well. “Make sure of your commitment to Jesus Christ, and seek to follow Him every day. Don’t be swayed by the false values and goals of this world, but put Christ and His will first in everything you do. ”
The one thing I believe is that when you sincerely give your life to Christ, you are saved and salvation cannot be lost. Even when my/your commitment has been weak…and wavering…God’s commitment to me/you is firm, unchangeable and steadfast! With this being said, in January, every year across America, we all make resolutions. I encourage you to look at your life in light of your “commitments”.
Posing questions to yourself like…
In the grand scheme of things, what is the most important thing?
What needs rearranging in my life?
Do I keep my commitments?
Intentions are great…Behavior is Best. I believe God will never show us what is next before we see and act on what He is showing us now!