God-ordained dreams will take longer and be harder than you can imagine! Why? If they *poof* just happened, then there would be no “refining” for the dream chaser….maturing…developing the fruits of the Spirit…in particular…patience and self-control. Temptation could enter the scene as well. If we could humanly reach that dream ourselves and do it quickly, then we would probably give ourselves the credit instead of giving it to a Holy God.
God-ordained dreams are usually the ones that are always beyond my/your/our ability and resources so that not only you can personally see and experience God, but others can too! If you find yourself at a seemingly dead end, stuck, even failing, remember that many times a dream has a death and resurrection. We learn from Lazarus, in the book of John, that what may seem to be the end really isn’t.
Jesus said in John 11:14-15, “So then he told them plainly, Lazarus is dead, and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe.'” Jesus was glad He was not with Lazarus when he died so that He could then resurrect him. God had a plan. Earlier, in verse 4, Jesus said, “‘This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.'”
Many times it may seem that our dream is dead. We keep
striving and working,
maturing and developing a great work ethic,
developing discipline,
we feel we are at our “wits end” or at the “point of death of a dream.”
We wonder…God where are you?
Why aren’t You here?
If You were here, this would not be happening!
Remember what Mary said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here my brother would not have died.” (John 11:32) What do we learn from Scripture and the story of Lazarus? God’s great work, His dreams given to us, are to be accomplished in His time. Not in our time or in our way. John 11 shows us why God does what He does. Our successes, our God-given dreams, are for God’s glory…not ours. They are ultimately placed in our hearts by God to accomplish His purpose in His time.
Many times success is just around the corner but our faith muscle needs to be strengthened. Oh how we can easily forget this when things are not going well. Our vision is blurred. We can find it hard to truly trust God. Realize, if God placed the dream in our hearts and we know that we know it was from God, then our TRUST has to be ROCK SOLID.
WE have to know that we know…HIS TIMING IS PERFECT…God will not be LATE!
Seek a deeper, more intimate relationship with God. Open your hand to His will and the dream. Offer the dream back to Him just in case the dream was yours and not given to you by Him. Don’t be afraid. You would never want to be chasing something He didn’t have for you! But if the dream is from Him, He will show you. It may not be through immediate success so don’t let that be your measuring stick. Allow Him to show you in the way He chooses. LOOK for HIM and HE will speak. Make sure you are expectant…and watchful. God does NOT PLAY HIDE and SEEK when we are looking for HIM!
“We must cease striving and trust God to provide what He thinks is best and in whatever time He chooses to make it available. But this kind of trusting doesn’t come naturally. It’s a spiritual crisis of the will in which we must choose to exercise faith.” ~Chuck Swindoll