Every great ballerina worth watching knows how to “spin” without losing their balance. It is beautiful and fun to watch. HOW do they spin with such grace without falling and getting dizzy? They have to “pick a spot!”
Yes, before their first twirl, they pick a “spot for their eye to focus on” so that as they start to spin, they do not lose their balance and can perform. They are then able to execute and “TWIRL”…freely with confidence and ease.
Do you ever feel that you “spin in life?”
One thing I know for sure, in life, you will spin. Without picking that “spot,” then, after spinning, not only are you going to become dizzy, but you are going to lose your balance and possibly “throw up!” Terrible things happen in life when we don’t pick out the correct “focal spot”. As Christians we will spin in this world because of our own sin, the sin of others…or both. It can keep us in a constant state of “twirling”. But we ARE TO take GREAT COMFORT IN John 16:33, “I have said these things to you so that “IN ME” you may have peace. In this world you will have tribulation [twirl]. But take heart! I have overcome the world” [emphasis added].
We need to realize and understand that, as long as we live in this world, we will have trouble, a.k.a. “TWIRL,” but God says, “Pick ‘ME’ as your SPOT.”
Just the other day I had “the throw ups” from the dizziness of focusing on the wrong focal spot. I hated it! Who in their right minds likes the “throw ups!” I knew better. But to get rid of the “throw ups” I had to “SIT myself down and STARE intently into God’s Word and sit in God’s presence!” I was spinning…spinning…spinning…and dizzy doesn’t even describe what I was experiencing.
For a brief time my “focal spot” became people. I knew better. I did. But it happened. For several years now I have enjoyed the “twirls of life”…having Jesus as the focal point…not getting dizzy or nauseated that can come at any unexpected moment from the constant spinning. But recently I failed to keep my “eye on the SPOT”. Forgetting briefly that God is in control, not me.
The minute my eyes got on the opinion of others (people) and not on God……I spun out of control..….and for sure the “VOMIT came”.
So learn from me…Pick that spot…that spot is “JESUS”. He is over all. He is the beginning and the end. HE clearly says, “I have OVERCOME THE WORLD”. Just like David, we will all face GAINTS…but David’s chances were 100% because of his “focal point”.
So today I encourage you with this: YOU WILL SPIN IN LIFE. It is a fact. Your focal point is JESUS, not man. All eyes on HIM. Joshua 1:9,”Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do NOT BE AFRAID; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” [emphasis added].
WE are NO different than Joshua and David. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. HE WINS! SIDE WITH THE ONE THAT HAS A 100% CHANCE OF WINNING. EYES ON JESUS. You can spin with grace, with ease…when HE is your focal point!