Have you ever felt paralyzed?
Ever since January 14th of this year I have felt paralyzed in many ways. It has been a strange way to live. Of course I have been able to get up and accomplish my to do list like plan a wedding and help Brewer to recover among other things, but I have been sluggish and lacked energy. It has been more of a “going through the motions.” The “zeal” I lived with before Brewer’s stroke had all but vanished. It has been a very odd place to live and operate in life.
Just recently I have felt the “zeal,” the “zest” start to return, a blessing for sure, and it is because God has provided “Roof Raisers” in my life. The words in Scripture are once again “dancing off the pages” for me!
I love the story of the “Roof Raisers” found in Luke 5:18-26. The story is about a man who was paralyzed. His FRIENDS hear of Jesus being in the area and healing the sick. The FRIENDS tried to take the sick man into the house to lay him before Jesus but because of the crowd they could not get in! What did the friends do? They raised the roof and “lowered him on his mat into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.”
Luke 5: 24b-25, ”So he said to the paralyzed man, ‘I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.’ Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God.”
Point of Post: I encourage you to become “Roof Raisers!”
I have learned many things from having a child almost die and the suddenness of such a horrible situation. God really provides through FRIENDS to help the afflicted gain their “legs” back. You get to be a part of the “HEALING” process.
The one thing I know is that there is someone every day who is in need of a “Roof Raiser!” It takes effort and sometimes a willingness to go way out of your way to help the “one laying on the mat.” I can give a personal testimony that the people who go to the trouble to “Raise the Roof” are seen by the sick as the visible Hands and Feet of Jesus. Raise a Roof today…no better witness to the light and love of Jesus in one’s heart!