s-t-r-e-n-G-th Zone
Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
In scripture Christians are referred to as “iron.” As we learn what it means to move into and live in our God-created Strength Zone, we find there are several elements to getting there and living out loud in that zone. Remembering we:
Next, we need to GALVANIZE our faith and walk with God.
Galvanize means to coat (iron) with a rust resistant zinc. As believers, who are considered “Iron,” we have to coat ourselves and become “rust resistant.” How do we do this? How do we keep from becoming rusty? Scripture is clear, “iron sharpens iron”. We have to intentionally surround ourselves with other believers for sharpness and accountability.
We have to go to church and find fellowship. Hebrews 10:24-25 challenges us in this area. “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
If you want to live in your God-created “STRENGTH ZONE,” you have to stay sharp. I can personally attest to the “life blood” and “Sharpness” that other Christians have provided in my life. Worship and a like-minded Christian community are the “zinc coating” in our lives. This doesn’t mean that we can’t have friends who don’t share our same beliefs, but it does mean that in order to be “sharp” and “strong” we need other iron sharpeners.
Another definition for galvanizing is to arouse awareness of action; to spur. Fellow believers in Jesus spur us on just as Hebrews 10 tells us to consider doing!! They encourage, pray, support, and sharpen us to carry out God’s plan for our lives. Consider both how you can encourage others and how you can be encouraged “toward love and good deeds”.
The third definition of galvanize is to shock or stimulate with an electric current. I can fully testify in my own personal life that surrounding myself with other Christians has at times “electrified” my walk and my faith. Allow me to share:
When we first moved to Columbia, we immediately joined a church. We became active in the church and joined a Sunday school class where we made so many great friends. As we grew in Christ and in friends over the years, it has provided the support we have needed: in raising our children, in accountability, in prayer for the big things in life and the small everyday things, in crisis (Thomas’ diagnosis), in a place to serve, in unconditional love. And, it has provided countless role models of faith. People who walk through the valleys and climb the mountains of life and sharpen us as we live and learn and grow together. It has truly been a place where “iron sharpens iron.”
If you are a long time Christian or a new Christian, don’t buy into the lie that you don’t need other Christians. Christian friends and community are God’s design for us to live in His created “Strength Zone” for our lives. Develop that rust resistant coating that is needed to spur you on to good deeds, to G-alvanize your walk with God.