Everyone faces temptation! Looking at temptation in my own life has taken a decision on my part to DECIDE TO DECIDE to look at the areas I am weak in with regards to temptation. In others words, the areas in which I tend to sin the most in. If you say you have NO weaknesses, then that is probably your weakness!! Everyone has them so don’t be deceived or blind. From Adam to Eve to Jesus, Satan comes after everyone! He seeks to kill, steal and destroy and what better way to do it than to attack in our weaknesses.
The most vulnerable time to be tempted is when we are tired, hungry, lonely or angry. Those are the times that give Satan a “shout out” to us and we can fall very easily!!! Temptation is defined as an enticement of God-given desires that goes beyond God-given boundaries. Temptation in and of itself is not a sin, but acting on it is! Satan’s goal is to take you out of the will of God.
There is very good news!! I Corinthians 10:13 states, “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide a way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” The one thing we have to do is look for the “escape!”
Sin starts when we give in to our thoughts. An action always follows a thought. So many times we have to recognize where we are allowing our thoughts to go. Being able to know our weaknesses and examine our thoughts can go a long way in choosing a “way of escape!”
There are ways to recognize temptation starting with daily putting on our armor. Include the following to help you in the effort to choose the way of “escape!”
1. Read God’s word.
2. Spend time in prayer.
3. Pay attention to your thoughts.
4. Have an accountability partner. (Someone you can trust who will hold you accountable, especially in areas where you are vulnerable). Some people have more than one person. This has been very effective in my own life to promote change.
You have heard it said, “Old habits are hard to break”. And sin habits too! (especially the things we are vulnerable to can be particularly difficult to break) Don’t give in. FIGHT for the FREEDOM from sin He provides to us all. He gives us the ABILITY TO ESCAPE. IT IS OUR CHOICE!