God is calling me to write about difficult and very touchy subjects lately. I am for sure not an authority but I do seek HIM and the Wisdom HE gives and His word. So carefully, tenderly and with God Almighty’s help I want to write about the subject of suicide.
The first thing I want to say….is that if someone who is a Christian, meaning they have asked Jesus into their heart, commits suicide, they are not going to hell! Committing suicide is not the unpardonable sin. The sin that separates us from God forever is the rejection of His Son Jesus and the unwillingness to invite Him into our hearts.
Does God like suicide? Of course not. HE loves all… and especially loves the one who is in so much pain that they feel they cannot continue living.
If you don’t understand, it is ok. It just means you have never been that low and in so much pain! I am talking about the kind of pain that blinds you from seeing that the loved ones you will leave behind will grieve over the loss of your life. I have been in much emotional pain in my life…but never that low. I know people who have been…that LOW, that distraught and in that much pain.
We need to understand what happens. When someone is depressed or had life events that have taken them to a place of desperation, we need to realize they are in a “desert.” Even with people all around they feel alone with their thoughts and pain. This an opportunity that our enemy, Satan, takes full advantage of. Scripture calls Satan a “thief.” John 10:10, “The thief comes only to STEAL, KILL and DESTROY; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” [emphasis added.]
Do you see it? Our enemy’s number ONE agenda is to destroy. Let’s look at our enemy’s tactics: 2 Corinthians 11:14, “And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.”
Also, Satan and his demons wait ON an “opportune time.” Luke 4:13, “When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an OPPORTUNE TIME.” [emphasis added]. This was when Jesus had been led into the wilderness by the Spirit and it was there where He was tempted by Satan for 40 days. Jesus had not eaten during this time and what did the enemy do? The devil said to Him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread. “
Stop and think about this just a minute. Jesus was fully man and fully God. He was able to “resist” Satan at a MOST VULNERABLE TIME. We often dismiss this. We are human and at the most vulnerable time, our weakest point, is when Satan assaults. Some withstand but others, in a weak, dark, painful moment, do the unthinkable. Satan may win for a moment but that doesn’t swipe a person who is a Christ-follower from God’s hands. Also, Satan knows that he can majorly attack those left behind with anger, sadness and his most powerful tool–GUILT!
The guilt of: you should have…you could have….you would have….
Believers who are faced with the suicide of a loved one have to take a STRONG STAND against the enemy…who seeks to wrap chains of guilt around us. Sadness and anger are normal human emotions. We take those normal human emotions to our Heavenly Father and allow Him to work in us…to mature and complete us…But GUILT is from the PIT OF HELL. It is a piercing arrow that can thwart God’s plan for our lives and can bind us in the most awful way and stagnate us and our walk.
Satan wants us to think that somehow we are responsible and even tricks us into thinking we could have/should have “read hearts’ and “read minds.” That is just not true. God never holds us responsible for another’s decision to take their life. I have consulted many professionals, psychologists and especially Christian psychologists, who have helped me to understand…that if someone is going to commit suicide…there is nothing you can do to stop them. Most of the time it happens in a moment of sudden and total darkness. We might see warning signs and can try to get help for the person but MOST OF THE TIME THERE is NOT sufficient warning nor are we trained in the field to truly recognize the signs. Sometimes the signs are visible to us in hindsight but often times not.
I don’t have time in this post to take you down the road and the length I have gone to in order to understand and study this horrible event that takes place in the world in which we live…but I want to strongly urge you to understand that suicide is not the unpardonable sin. But it is a tool of the enemy used to destroy the lives of those left behind. If you know of someone who has suffered losing someone they love to suicide, the very best thing you can do is get them into PROFESSIONAL CHRISTIAN COUNSELING…and pray for them.
I do not want to offend anyone. While pastors can offer comfort, prayer and love, they are often NOT TRAINED to help someone deal with the aftermath of such an attack. Also, if someone talks about suicide, take them seriously. It may be difficult because you can’t make someone get help if they are of a certain age…but what you can do….is go to a PROFESSIONAL CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR AND GET professional advice on what you can do to help, I sought help years ago when I was fearful of someone I knew and loved who had expressed these thoughts.… there is a great burden in knowing of someone who has talked about or mentioned suicide. Don’t be afraid to ask for help for someone else or what to do with the burden of suspecting or knowing of someone else’s thoughts. Scripture reminds us of the importance of seeking wise counsel. “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed,’ (Proverbs 15:22).
Take the time today to encourage someone. You may have just the words they need to hear. “Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up,” (Proverbs 12:25).
Thank you so much for this! As a mom, I have dealt with this with one of my daughters. She is still alive but the struggle is real! Through her experiences, we have learned how widespread these problems are!