“What is your treasure?” Meaning what do you value? What is important to you? I was once told if you want to know what someone’s priorities are don’t ask them. Look at their checkbook, their calendar and their trash can! I have given this much thought over the years and I think this is a very good way to judge our priorities. The one thing I personally added to these questions is: What do I do first thing in the morning, other than brush my teeth and use the restroom? LOL!!!!!!
I have to look at this often in my own life because, being the weak human that I am, my priorities can get OUT OF SINK in a hurry. The surest way for God to be the focus and priority of my day is to start with HIM. Over the years the amount of time I spend with God at the first part of my day has lengthened. I know I have always needed it and desired it but not until I began to empty the nest have I had the luxury of more time to spend with God at the start of the day. I will add here that I get up very early and am done by 8 a.m. When the kids were small I still did my best to do it first thing, but sometimes there were distractions that caused me to have to change the intended plan. Nevertheless, starting your day with God as the priority SETS YOU UP FOR SUCCESS, and I can say for sure that it has done so for me.
The second thing I have done is really focus on my calendar because I feel that how I spend my time directly relates to how I feel about God. I am not suggesting not working or fulfilling your responsibilities to family, job, etc. You can be used by God in those areas too. I am talking about discretionary time. How much of my free time do I devote to the things of God? The Bible talks about the needy, sick, widows, and prisoners. Proverbs 19:17, “He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord and he will reward him for what he has done.” James 1:27, “Religion the God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” And then there is the parable of the good Samaritan found in Luke 10:25-37. You can google the Scripture found on these subjects and read for hours about what God’s word has to say. He wants us to at least tithe our time outside of ourselves and our family and our MONEY.
The third thing I look at is money. Do I tithe at least 10%? Where do I spend my discretionary money? Scripture tells us to bring 10% back to the “store house”. I look at God as the “Provider” and “Owner” of everything in my life. Seeking to fulfill the Scripture brings many rewards personally. The greatest reward is the peace and fulfillment of obedience and peace knowing these are acts of love toward God. The checkbook and trashcan observed for a month is a CLEAR AND VISIBLE WAY to understand where your priorities lie.
How does the trashcan fit in? Well, it too shows how you spend your money. What kind of packaging is in that trash? How much food is wasted? What kind of food is in there? Healthy? [taking care of the body] Obsessing over food? Lots of things to consider in that garbage.
In Matthew 6:25 it says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” The verse is right on the MONEY, no pun intended. Where we spend our time and money is a DIRECT REFLECTION OF OUR HEART.