Recently, I have been preparing to speak at a fundraiser for “A Place for Us Ministries” in Greenwood, South Carolina. This home provides pregnant teenagers with a place to live and be ministered to during their pregnancy. I just completed a book they sent me, “The Story Matters”. The book details the ministry’s story, how it was founded and the many lives that have been radically changed by the fruition of the vision of one person.
Reflecting now, I think back to how God orchestrates my/your/our lives. His plan for me for sure was to continue to strengthen His lessons in my life on NOT BEING a GOD SHRINKER! In my opinion, the book should be a “best seller”. If you love true stories and the supernatural, then get this book.
As I read the book I noticed over and over again, the people that God drew to be involved in the vision that was given to Tammie Price, who, once upon a time, was a pregnant teenager herself. This aspect of the story has created more of a desire in me to act quickly and immediately when God speaks. You see…God has miracles for all of us….1 Corinthians 2:9, “However, as it is written: ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him.’ But God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.”
As I read the Bible every day…I see and am encouraged by His power and the miracles He performed long ago. I have seen some miracles happen in my life but as I have read this book…I have realized…that if I truly want to experience “walking on water” and “walls falling down from trumpet blasts,” then I have to take BIGGER steps of faith. The kind of steps that, for sure, are steps…where you can’t see the end. In fact, the end looks like you are “jumping off a cliff,” trusting all the while God is there to catch you.
Tammie Price and those that joined her God-given vision….took the leap…not only did God catch them……He took them and others to “Heights” where only a Holy…all-powerful…all-knowing…and supernatural God can take you. As I turned every page of the book, I didn’t think I could experience any more chills than the previous chapter had given me…but God continued to speak to me of His GREATNESS and showed me that I needed to “tune into His voice and start Jumping”…..Psalm 95:7-8, “…Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts,…”
If you know me….I don’t like to fly. I don’t like the unpredicted motion you experience on rides at the fair or in airplanes. The feeling of falling makes me tremble…..I feel God is calling me to take those kinds of steps, steps that mentally, for me, expand God and His hand in my life….
It may leave me feeling a little queasy at times, but I know from past experience that God will be there. Psalm 63:7-8, “For you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.” He will hold me up. He will hold you up.
I have often wondered what it must have felt like to the Israelites, who were fleeing for their life, when the Red Sea parted. Or what it felt like for the soldiers who marched seven times around Jericho and then the walls crumbled. Or when David stepped up to face Goliath. Unless they “marched, stepped or ran at God’s command,” they would have never experienced the “supernatural”…they had to obey completely. I am convinced they trembled too…..but they all trusted without seeing….and they “jumped!” and so did Tammie Price in Greenwood, SC. God is the same today, yesterday and forever.
Is God speaking to you? He wants to…the scripture above in Corinthians is for everyone.
The first jump may be into God’s arms to believe and trust Him to be Lord of your life.
Or it could be like it is for me….to get off the sofa or out of the comfort of the familiar and MOVE to a place where you can’t see the end…or, if you see the end, you have no idea how you are going to get there unless it is a Supernatural act.
God has things for all of us that we can’t wrap our minds around…in Human fleshly understanding don’t seem possible….that is where…the “chills and hairs on your arm standing up” comes from. It comes from “listening, leaping and learning” that God will scoop down and not only catch you….but “you will mount up with wings like an eagle and soar”. Let’s all take God out of the box…in our lives and experience “miracles in our lives!” God has them for everyone.
Joshua 24:24, “…’The Lord our God we will serve, and his voice we will obey.’”
Who wants to be the first to jump?