I once heard a powerful leader say this, “People may not buy your story but make sure you don’t buy theirs!”
I love this….so many times in life I find that there are these “negative naggers” who would rather tell you what you can’t do rather than what you can. I can honestly say…I grew up with parents, especially my mom, who always told me “I could!!” She never allowed me to buy into what others told me I could or couldn’t do.
My dad would say…it is drive and determination that carries you in life… of course both of my parents were operating from a place of allowing God to be first and foremost in your life and their actions demonstrated this to me on a continual basis. But they encouraged Marcia, my sister, and me to understand that God did create us to lead a life of meaning and significance….not necessarily fame…but one of contribution and maximizing all that He has given us–spiritually, physically, and materially.
I think of the story in the Bible of the spies who were sent to scope out the Promised Land…only two of the ten saw the “UPSIDE”. To me, it is one of the saddest stories in the Bible–the Israelites bought the wrong story. They believed the majority of Naysayers as found in Exodus chapters 13 and 14. They lacked the confidence in a Holy God who had promised the land…and all they could see were the Giants to be defeated in their human strength. They big time failed to factor in the supernatural power of a HOLY GOD. That same God exists today.
Has God place an opportunity in your path….?
Who are you listening to?
Make sure you understand the scripture, “With God all things are possible.” It is the scripture my mom used years ago to encourage me in my pursuit of Miss America! If I had bought other people’s stories of me being too short, too country, or that my talent was unknown….I would have missed that life-changing event that, to this day, has opened many doors of opportunity which were planned long ago by a HOLY God who knew the future.
But, you see, it was the “encourager,” the one who knew God and His character of taking the unlikely and using it for His good, His purpose and His plan. I am not a loner here…..God has a plan for everyone. Opportunities designed and planned for everyone….It is our job to “filter” the right voices in our lives. Filter the opportunities in your life through God….as Jehoshaphat said more than once to the king of Israel, “…’First seek the counsel of the Lord.'” (1 Kings 22:5 and 2 Chronicles 18:4)
Just because they may take you to a place of awkward, or discomfort, or fear, or out of the box…doesn’t mean they are not for you….it may just mean it is an opportunity for God to demonstrate His power in your life.
Be careful…that you buy God’s story and promises for you life.
Be careful of who you allow to be a voice in your life….look first at where they get their direction.
Psalm 32:8, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”