OK…2 posts today…I think they are both worth reading here is the 2nd
As we all work together…to RECOVER and HELP our STATE HEAL…I just have to share this private inbox…not to highlight me…please know this but to show FIRST there are no coincidences in life…NONE and Second..Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Here is the inbox I received..it has so INSPIRED ME TO keep encouraging you and that God will equip us all for this HUGE TASK…read the inbox below and one major thing I got out of the entire note to me is THAT KIDS AFFECTED BY THIS STORM WILL FOREVER BE AFFECTED BY THE KINDNESS OF OTHERS:))))):
Hi Sherry my name is Christine and I live in NJ where Super Storm Sandy flooded our area and effective over 82,000 people. I want you to know that my heart is with you in South Carolina and I would like to help. As I watch all the efforts going on in your area on your FB page you remind me if myself. Sandy was life changing for me. I was apart of a team at my church that was able to support and serve over 700 homeowners affected by thr floods. We had over 6000 volunteers from all over the country show up in a short period of time and had to learn really quickly how to respond to disaster recovery. Mark Reamer was one of the volunteers that arrived one month after we were hit. The team that Mark was with were amazing. They came at just the right time. We were going strong for 14 to 16 hour days organizing and connecting volunteers with the needs of the survivors. One of the things that Mark gave me to help keep me going was a copy of your book the Front 9. Your words of encouragement kept me going on days I was completely exhausted. I wanted to send a thank you time after time for gifting me with such encouragement but there never seemed to get around to it. Now as I watch you work so hard for the past week, I want to say thank you for helping me be the best I can be during the road back to recovery in NJ. I started a non-profit to help survivors and also jumped on board with the executive board to help create a Long Term Recovery Group in our county. It was very rewarding but at the same time very emotional.as well. I learned a lot about recovery very quickly and would like to share the most critical information with you so you can remain strong in the next few weeks and months. I believe this information is critical and will help provide sustainability to your community in the next coming months. I realize you are extremely busy, yet if you could find sometime to talk I would love to help you help others for the long term. I recently just received your latest book the Back Nine maybe just a few days before your storm hit. I believe there is no coincidences in life and everything is in God’s timing. I will be coming on Friday to see Mark this Friday and planning on going to Clemson’s game on Saturday. I am hoping that we might stop in Columbia to meet you. Currently my daughter Jenna is in the beginning stages of helping to raise money for to help your area as well. She is 14 and is meeting with her Principal on Tuesday to discuss the possibilities for fund raising. Jenna was only 12 when Sandy hit our area, yet she was an amazing warrior for our community. One of the things she remembers the most and had the biggest impact on her was the love of the people who came from South Carolina to help and now she wants to give back and help flood South Carolina with love from NJ. It is the middle of the night right now and I believe God woke me to write you and not put it off any longer. I am learning to be obedient to his direction and could not go back to sleep until I reached out to you. My heart is with everyone there and I am praying for helping and healing for all of you.
Please excuse the typos as I was writing from my phone.