After reading Perry Noble’s book, “Overwhelmed,” this week for the third time, I can say that it constantly reminds me of how God does have us. He does. Funny, I had just completed the book on Saturday morning as Collins rushed to our back porch to say that Mike, her boyfriend, was being rushed to University Hospital in Augusta…after getting really sick on the golf course. We jumped in the car to head that way. Can you say, “OVERWHELMED!”?
Being on the Back 9, I can now say that it never gets easier to get that phone call that a loved one…is in trouble and headed to the ER.
The panic…
the pit in your stomach…
the lack of understanding…
the fray…
is overwhelming.
In our family, from Bill, to Thomas, to Collins, to my dad and mom and now Mike…I have had that call more times than I care to remember. :o( From experience and experience only, I have learned to immediately, before anything else, pray.
Mike was alone…but I knew God was with him. As Collins and I drove to the hospital, it was so comforting to know that our friend Pattty Mollica, a fellow golfing Mom whose son played with Brewer at Clemson, beat us to the hospital. She lives in Augusta. There are four hospitals in Augusta and all we knew was that he was in the ER at one of them. It was so God’s provision to have her go and then call us. She told us exactly where to go and gave us updates as we drove.
God is so faithful. I hesitated but decided to put a prayer request out on social media. The one thing you want to do is have prayer. Scripture teaches that “where two or more are gathered there I will be also!” (see Matthew 18:20). Sometimes you hesitate to ask for prayer in a public format because first, you want to protect privacy. Second, you don’t want to attract unnecessary attention. But in crisis…. social media is a great way to get instant, powerful prayer……:) God and God alone knows the future.
I remember being at a leader cast conference and hearing Condoleezza Rice speak about her immediate response when she received the call about the World Trade Center. She said she “prayed before she did anything else!” During the interview she said she learned this from her grandmother’s example. When Condoleezza Rice was a young girl her uncle fell to the ground having a heart attack. She watched her grandmother immediately go to God in prayer.
I will never forget hearing Condoleezza’s testimony. She is right. No matter what…going to the “GO-TO GUY,” God, is the FIRST RESPONSE. 2 Kings 20:5, “…I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears….” He sees. He knows.
I write as I sit here in the ER with Mike. I’m watching the doctors care for him. Trusting God and knowing God has him. He does. And I am thankful for all the prayers on Mike’s behalf. Collins is sitting here being comforted by all the texts and responses on Facebook. A BLESSING of COMFORT from the prayers of others.
God not only has Mike, He has all of us. HE IS THE FIRST RESPONDER. His desire is for us to be the FIRST SEEKER OF HIM in Crisis. Don’t be afraid to ask others to join you in going to God in prayer either. Satan will whisper, “Don’t do it.” One of his tactics is isolation and fear. Don’t listen.
So the encouragement for today is this…Allow God to be your GO-TO GUY. He is omnipotent and omnipresent. He hovers.
I find great comfort in Matthew 10:29-31. May these true words bring you comfort today. “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.”
Psalm 4:1, “Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have given me relief when I was in distress. Be gracious to me and hear my prayer!”