
I am a terrible wrapper. I can’t even buy a bag, put a gift in it and arrange the tissue so that the present looks pretty. 🙁

With just a few days left until I traveled to the mountains for Collins’ big day, I was running around tying up loose ends. I glanced at the kitchen table and there lay a gift for Bill’s parents that needed wrapping. Believe it or not, that was a big stressor for me. I had a canvas picture of the grandchildren made for them and now it needed wrapping.

My list was a mile long that day. Being true to what I believe and teach, I called a friend who is very gifted in this area…decorating…wrapping…arranging flowers. Julie just has that touch. She is also that friend who says, ”Call me if you need me!” and means it!

So I called Julie and simply told her what I needed. Her simple response was, “DONE!” Relief washed over me. By that afternoon I returned home from my 20 errands to find the most beautifully wrapped gift…right where I had left it.

I’m also terrible at ironing. When I iron, there are more wrinkles than when I started. I also had two friends, Kay and Shannon, who offered to head to the wedding weekend early to be available to help with last minute needs…..which ended up being many.

The one thing I could think of was that after the bridesmaids opened their gifts from Collins, robes and earrings, the robes would need pressing or steaming for the “getting ready pictures.” So I asked Shannon and Kay if they would be willing to do the ironing. The response from them was the same as Julie’s, “Done!”

Not only did they show up to do that, but they steamed my dress, Collins’ wedding gown and all the bridesmaids’ dresses. They even hauled a professional steamer to the bridal house and showed up on Friday and Saturday, the day of the wedding, in work clothes and served all of us until just hours before the wedding!

Now that the wedding is done, I look back, as I do often, and think Wow! What if their response had been different? I benefited greatly from their response, “DONE!” I have been served so well. I am continually taught through others. From Collins’ wedding I have learned better how to serve. I love the response…”DONE!” I want to be one of those people to offer help and be able to say, “DONE!”

As believers we have all experienced the ultimate “DONE!” found in John 19:30. “When he had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” For Jesus followers this scripture is good news. Satan likes to remind us of the sins we have committed. Where we have failed. But Jesus took care of all that on the cross. Whenever we are tempted to rehearse those sins, Jesus says, “Done. Forgiven. Finished.”

In Psalm 103:10-11 we are told: “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” He remembers them no more. We can let them go.

But what if His response were different when we bring up our past failures to Him? How different things would be. Oh what benefit we gain from those three words, “It is finished!”

Praise God today. You can call on Him and ask forgiveness and He says, “Done!”

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  • Thank you for using your gift as a writer (never mind you don’t wrap or iron!) to remind me not to consider my sins once I’ve prayed for forgiveness. You are so right…Saran tries so hard to remind me where I have failed. Thanks!

    PS you were a beautiful MOB