I have often expressed that I think God has a sense of humor. I only have to look at His creation to see evidence. Watching how dogs, puppies and cats interact and play makes me laugh. It reminds me that God wants us to laugh and enjoy life.
I can be very serious when I need to be but, in the Back 9, I am determined to laugh more, dance more and look for opportunities to smile. My sister is the Queen at teaching me this very valuable life lesson. She has said to me on more than one occasion, “We can either cry or laugh and I am choosing to laugh!” My brother-in-law Tim is the same way. He has brought the gift of humor to our entire family. He makes us all laugh a lot! I am truly grateful God has gifted them with such a fantastic sense of humor…It has been a tremendous gift not just to me but to all who know them. They live out loud and have taught me Proverbs 17:22, “A cheerful heart is good medicine…..”
Recently, after my Dad suffered his stroke and was still in the hospital, we had a winter storm that prevented us from getting to the hospital. I was next door with my mom, and in the early afternoon of that snowy day, Marcia texted me and told me to walk over to her house for just a bit. So I dressed and plodded to their house through six inches of snow. I found my nephew Tucker, his girlfriend Meagan, their friends, my sister and brother-in-law Tim waiting in their four-wheel drives to take me sledding with them!! I had a blast.
We only stayed out for 45 minutes but it stimulated major laughter, fun and much needed endorphins!!! Just what God Himself ordered for me. We had spent a week in stress and uncertainty and the small sledding adventure was “SO NEEDED!” I really had no idea how much it was needed until it was over. While I was warming myself back at Mom’s, I reflected on the day. It was OK, and even orchestrated by God, to take a “comic relief moment!” I realized all in the same week I had lived Ecclesiastes 3:4, “A time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance…..”
Point being, God is always teaching me/you/us through others. We can all choose to learn from others every day…..I learned that even in hard, stressful, sad times……we can find some joy and laughter…..it is our choice. If you find yourself in a down time, ask God to give you some laughter. Sometimes it can be the simplest of things. Remember the scripture found in Proverbs 15:13, “A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is crushed.” God’s desire for us is not “a crushed spirit or dried up bones” (Proverbs 17:22b) thus we must look for and choose to laugh, smile and seek the joy in all circumstances.