Are you working hard?
Does it seem sometimes that you work and you work and there is no fruit…no business….no progress?
In the past several months I have stepped back into the world of business with fabulous partners opening two more Pelican’s Snowball locations –– having three total now. The hoops we have had to jump through and requirements necessary to operate in different cities have been so frustrating. Some of the requirements seem petty and over the top for the product we will be selling. Construction and progress have been slow due to the “knit picky” bureaucracy behind the approval of our operations and construction.
Selling snowballs is a joy. I get so much pleasure out of a low dollar item that all can enjoy and it is a happy place to work every day. Families come. Tired, hot workers come. Kids come. Teenagers. Senior adults. Athletes. It is a treat. Everyone who indulges leaves with a smile on their face. We also love our employees. I love young people and they are usually the ones who apply and become family to us.
Over the past few months I have had to remind myself of the end game as we have trudged through the web of rules, construction and reliance on others to get us snowball ready. Once open, we rely heavily on sunshine and word of mouth.
As we have been preparing over the last several months, I have been deep in God’s Word. The true story found in Luke 5:1-11 has really encouraged me in several ways. It is the story of Jesus teaching by a lake, the Lake of Gennesaret. Jesus decides to get into a fishing boat early in the morning, push out into the water and sit down to preach to the crowd on the shore.
Sidenote: Scripture gives us the backdrop for this story of fishermen on the shore cleaning their nets. It makes sure to let us know that they were out fishing ALL night with no catch. That tells us it was morning time when Jesus was teaching.
After Jesus finishes preaching, this is where the story picks up, “When he [Jesus] had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.’ Simon answered, ‘Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets’” (Luke 5:4-5).
The story continues with Simon obeying and it informs us, “When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.” Upon seeing this blessing from the Lord, Simon Peter fell at Jesus’ knee and said, “‘Go away from me Lord, Lord; I am a sinful man!’” (Luke 5:6-8)
It states all the fishermen were astonished at the catch of fish. It continues to tell us of Jesus’ response, “‘Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.’” These fishermen pulled their boats on shore, left EVERYTHING and followed him.
What can we all learn from this true story?
~When we are working hard…Jesus sees!
~It is ALWAYS God’s will for us to be “fishers of men/women” A.K.A. no matter our occupation in life…we can share the good news of Jesus.
~God can and will bless us…a precursor is WORKING HARD! Noting that even then, some days our nets will be empty, but we are to trust the one WHO can fill our nets.
~Our blessings are from God and His timing is perfect.
~If God redirects us, like He did the fishermen, we must obey!
God’s Word is rich for all of life! He truly desires to bless us and sometimes even when blessings come, like Simon Peter falling on his knees, the blessings remind us of the power and love of God, regardless of our weak state of mind at times…doubt, fear, frustration…
Today, make a choice. Turn to Jesus, asking Him to invade your heart, mind and life…to show you hour by hour the steps you should take. His power is truly made perfect in our weakness and the only way to see it, experience it, is a surrendering to Him and obeying…
Where is He telling you to “throw your net?”