One of the many truths that I have applied to my life is to “fear God!” A HEALTHY fear! Please do not misunderstand or misquote me..the kind of fear I am talking about is a Reverence and Respect for who God is and what He has done for me and for you. Scripture teaches,”Do not be afraid of those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” As I read and study scripture and sit in church and listen to multiple sermons by the world’s best preachers…at some point if you are a Christian you KNOW this life is a “mist,” compared to eternity and that we have a created purpose for this life, we also know for sure that we have an enemy that wants to “steal, kill and destroy!” In order to live a life that is pleasing to God and to fulfill His plan for our lives we have to not only be able to Hear God’s voice but distinguish it above all others. To hear His voice…we have to “Fear” Him. God is a God of love, so much love He gave his life for me and for you. But when we ignore Him and we live our life to please ourselves and satisfy our flesh…we sadly Miss it! We miss the abundant life He planned for us. The abundant life is not free from trials and troubles but it is living in “abundance” despite them. There is nothing like loving God so much and revering Him that HE “confides” in us! Hearing His voice in my life is so awesome, so special and so encouraging there is just nothing like it! God’s word is true…those who fear Him, He does confide in! #Hewillguide #Hewillexpose #Hewillprotect
Healthy Fear